Black Drop

Black Drop is a fast-paced story crafted around Theodore Roosevelt’s 1903 visit to Portland, Oregon. The new president has threatened big business and Congress by adopting a progressive program aimed at equalizing wealth and power, reducing abuse of workers, rejecting racial discrimination and preserving the environment. It appears these efforts have triggered an assassination attempt.

Against the backdrop of mounting excitement over the impending presidential visit, Sage Adair and his colorful, like-minded friends race to prevent Roosevelt’s murder. And, since life is never simple, Sage also learns of young boys who need rescuing from a horrific fate. As the presidential train and the boys’ doom rush ever closer, every crucial answer remains elusive. Once again, actual historical events lie at the core of this fourth book in the fascinating Sage Adair historical mystery series.

Partial Bibliography
Blum, John The Republican Roosevelt
Brent, Charles Henry Papers (Of Phillipine Missionary}
Clark, Thomas Curtis Poems of Justice
Dalton, Kathleen Theodore Roosevelt: A Strenuous Life
Fernandez, Humberto Heroin
Hodgson, Barbara Opium
Mulford, Herbert The "Square Deal"
Roosevelt, Theodore The New Nationalism
Roosevelt, Theodore Speeches
Materials found in the US Library of Congress
Local news stories of Roosevelt's visit to Portland
National news articles About Roosevelt's 14,000 mile national tour